Today is Monday, February 15, 2021 and its the beginning of another work week for most around this country, its cold outside, and for most in the north east a nice wintery ice storm is on its way for later tonight. With the impending doom of the ice storm looming today it got me thinking about the Raiders, now of Los Vegas and how a team that is in the middle of a desert can still be as ice cold as the storm coming tonight. The Raiders have not been able to get things done in quite a long time as well all know, they really haven't had a contending team since the "Tuck rule" game in the early 2000's, they certainly haven't had great draft picks that panned out into great players, look at JaMarcus Russell, need I say anything else, ever. Yet now with Gruden back as the head football coach for the Raiders, and that just seems right, he won his Super Bowl in Tampa Bay, but to me he is and will always be the Raiders football coach, and with Gruden running the ship you can be assured that his team will be extremely prepared each week and their game plan will be top notch, but all of what he brings will not get it done alone. The Raiders have talent and speed these days with Henry Ruggs blazing through the secondaries and Josh Jacobs proving the he is an all around stud at running back in the NFL today, and each year their defense as a whole keeps improving bit by bit, player by player, but why no changes? One answer, two people, quarterback, and like they old saying goes, "If you got two quarterbacks, you got no quarterbacks," meaning that if there is any doubt in the teams starting quarterback or if a coach plans to split reps, then that team doesn't have a quarterback it can depend on and trust, and that was very clear ending the 2020 for the Raiders. It seems that Carr will most likely not be the starter for the Raiders for the 2021 season unless they are unable to get another quarterback by then, but chances are high for the Raiders to land a top quarterback this off season with just about half of the NFL QB's are on the move. So who would be best for the Raiders, what quarterback can come to Vegas and not get carried away with the night life, who can understand and learn Gruden's famously difficult offense, and restore the silver and black back to the days of Al Davis and, "Just win baby."